Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Going Strong!

Well, there are officially only 9 days left until my due date! I can't believe it's here already. I am happy to announce that I am feel much less stressed and more prepared than in my last post. Timmy did an amazing job on our nursery and it's absolutely beautiful. She's a very lucky girl to already have such an amazing dad. All of Tazby's clothes are washed and put away in her drawers and we've stocked up on all our newborn essentials for when she comes home. It's incredible to think we're going to meet our little girl so soon.

I met with my midwife today. Everything is going great. Tazby keeps getting lower and I'm about 70% effaced, but not dilated yet. I'm hoping I'll make even more progress before my appointment next week. Anyway, everything is going great. I'm having some back pain that's making it hard to get around, but it's bearable knowing I don't have to deal with it for too much longer.

I'll try and keep posting small updates every day until the big day comes! Thanks for checking in!

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