Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kacey is 2 months old!

Our little Kacey has hit another milestone. She turned 2 months old! She's doing wonderfully. She is such a smiley and happy baby (and she's mastered her new favorite hobby of sucking on her hands). She sleeps great and is not much of a crier. We couldn't ask for anything better. Our little girl is growing up so fast! She's now up to 23.5 inches and weighs 10 lbs. 4 oz. She's definitely tall and skinny like her dad! We're going back to the pediatrician in a week to have her weight checked to make sure that she is still doing well since she is still small in that area.

We decided to continue with her vaccinations as scheduled so she received her first three shots at her 2 month doctor's appointment. She really didn't like them, but only cried for a few minutes before quickly falling fast asleep in the car on the way home. Timmy and I each held one of her hands while she was getting them. I really think it was harder on us than it was on her, but we're confident in our decision to proceed with her vaccinations.

Anyway, like I've said before. She is just such a blessing and we love spending every day with her.

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