Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So I'm 5 days overdue and there's still no sign of Tazby...

We met with our midwife, Helen, today to check my progress. Unfortunately it wasn't as much as I'd hoped after many hours of increasing contractions over the last several days. I'm still between 60% and 70% effaced and 1+ cm. dilated. I know it doesn't mean that she's not coming soon, but it was somewhat of a disappointment and, I have to admit, it was really hard for me to hear. Timmy and I are both just very anxious to get through this phase and onto parenthood. Thank goodness for Timmy though. He never fails to put things in perspective for me and make a tough situation much look so much brighter.

The good news is that we know for sure that if she's not here by Monday, we'll get started with an induction. Helen just said that I wasn't "favorable" enough (i.e. I haven't progressed on my own enough) to schedule one any earlier. Plus, she said she wants to be selfish and deliver me herself so she picked her next 24 hour shift to induce me. I personally think she just wants me to avoid the induction and let this little girl come at her own time, but I appreciate her excuse too :-) Although 7 days seems like an eternity from now, I'm thrilled to have an absolute end date in the calendar. I know this waiting has been so nerve-frying for everyone who cares about us and hopefully this will ease things a bit.

We'll be seeing Helen again on Thursday morning to check on my progress and then, in the afternoon, we'll be getting a biophysical profile for little Tazby so we know that she's fine for a few more days, if need be. I guess I'll just have to take my mother-in-law's advice and enjoy the peace and quiet I have now because as wonderful as having our daughter here will be, I know that it won't be able to be described as peace and quiet!

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