Thursday, January 17, 2008

We've come a long way, baby...

Today marks the one year anniversary of my telling Tim that we were having a baby! It's strange to think back on how crazy and scary a moment that was. When you aren't expecting to hear those words (or read them as he had too), a lesser man may have, for lack of a better word, freaked. And while he was certainly shocked, his love and support made those first few weeks so much easier on me. I'll never forget that.

Now that Kacey is here, reliving those emotions is pretty surreal. I couldn't imagine our life without her in it. She is such a true blessing and I love her with the deepest, purest, rawest love that one person could ever have for another. I can say, without any hesitation, that I would sacrifice anything and everything for her. I feel honored that God chose us to be able to watch her grow and learn each day.

Honestly, it wasn't too long ago that these pictures were taken. It was my actual due date (September 6th). Of course I still had to wait 12 more days for her arrival (she's such a Keegan like that), but being pregnant with her was one of the most amazing times in my life. Back then she was just a little Tazby!

In other news, Kacey turns 4 months old tomorrow. We have our doctor's appointment in the morning so I'll update with current stats tomorrow. Wish us luck with her shots! Hopefully it won't be too bad and she'll handle these like her 2 month shots, like the little trooper that she is!

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